About us​

Learn more about Genesis University

Our mission

Genesis University provides mature learners seeking to pursue liberal education, faith-based and professional studies, and academically sound learning experiences through affordable, flexible distance education programs at the certificate and undergraduate levels. These programs are delivered by qualified faculty dedicated to teaching excellence and student learning. Genesis University is committed to providing prompt and competent academic and student support services.

In support of the mission, Genesis is committed to the following goals:
– Provide quality education programs available through distance education.
– Continuously evaluate and improve services and educational programs.
– Facilitate students in setting academic, personal, and professional goals.
– Provide an atmosphere that encourages learning, professional preparation, and growth.
– Provide training and education to enhance our graduates’ employment and career development opportunities in their chosen fields, where appropriate.

Getting Started

Below are some of the most common questions students have before enrolling.

Yes. Genesis University is accredited. Genesis University is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC). The U.S. Department of Education lists the Distance Education Accrediting Commission as a recognized accrediting agency. The Distance Education Accrediting Commission is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). More about our accreditation and approvals.

Students can apply anytime by completing the application/enrollment form found on the GenesisU website. Please be sure to complete all the required information before submitting the form.

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis; prospective students can expect a decision within 1-2 weeks and will be notified by email. 

If you are still in high school, please read the Dual Enrollment information.

As of writing, there is no application fee.

Yes! GenesisU has a very flexible transfer credit policy. We believe in recognizing your prior course work when possible. Up to 90 credits can be transferred into the Bachelor of Religious Studies or Bachelor of Education and Religion degrees.

We will take a look. We have reviewed many yeshiva and seminary institutions, both domestic and international, and accepted them for transfer credit.

Enrollment in most courses is offered on a rolling basis. This means you do not have to wait for a specific term or semester start date to begin your courses. You can begin almost anytime.

View the full list of frequently asked questions here.

Survey responses
from our graduates

Attended grad school
Received a raise

A message from our President and Chief Academic Officer

Dear Student,

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Genesis University. Founded in 2001, AHS – Genesis (AHS) a not-for-profit institution, was founded to help students earn a college degree conveniently and affordably through distance education, while taking into account their personal or religious sensitivities. To help facilitate this AHS – Genesis established partnerships with several regionally accredited institutions. These partnerships provide Genesis students with the opportunity to transfer Genesis courses toward degree programs offered at each partner college. Students are required to meet a minimal residency requirement from the partner institution.

The initial programs offered were primarily in liberal arts with the focus in Judaic Studies and related areas. AHS-Genesis received requests from community organization, schools, and students to expand our offerings, and an education program was formally launched in 2010.

As of October 2016, students now have the opportunity to earn their degree directly from Genesis University, without the need to transfer to one of our academic partners, or in conjunction with our academic partners.

Genesis University offers distance learning courses primarily in the areas of Religious Studies (Judaic) and Education. In the area of Judaic Studies, Genesis offers a range of Judaic Studies courses, many of which may coincide with a yeshiva or seminary curriculum. Genesis works closely with students to help them earn an accredited associate or bachelor’s degree.

Please take some time to review our website. If you have any questions about Genesis University, please feel free to contact us.


Robert Frankel

President and Chief Academic Officer

Administration and Faculty

Board of Directors

Robert Frankel, President
Moshe Deutsch, Vice President
Raphael Vilinsky, Secretary
Rabbi Bezalel Rudinsky, Member

Administration and staff

Robert Frankel, President/CAO (rfrankel@genesisu.edu)
Eli Shulman, COO (eshulman@genesisu.edu)
Shana Lebovits, Registrar (slebovits@genesisu.edu)
Leeba Mark, Assistant Director (lmark@genesisu.edu)
Aron Klein, Assistant Registrar (aklein@genesisu.edu)


PhD and MA, Harvard University
M.A., Princeton University
Art, History & Religion

Ordination, Yeshivas Ohr Reuven
Advanced Degree in Talmudic Jurisprudence, Ohr Reuven Talmudic Seminary
JD, University of Michigan Law School
Religious Studies

JD, George Washington University
MBA, George Washington University
MA in Education and Human Development, George Washington University
Ordination, The Yeshiva of Greater Washington
Bachelors in Talmudic Law, The Yeshiva of Greater Washington
Religious Studies, Business and Education

EdD (in progress), Azrieli School of Education & Administration, Yeshiva University
MA, Jewish Studies, Touro College
BA, Jewish Studies and minor in Psychology, Stern College, Yeshiva University

EdD (in progress), Yeshiva University, Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education & Administration
Masters in Social Work, Yeshiva University – Wurzweiler School of Social Work
First Talmudic, Yeshivas Torah Temimah, New York
Advanced Talmudic Studies, Yeshivas Heichel HaTorah, Israel
Advanced Talmudic Studies, Beis Medrash Gavoha, New Jersey
Advanced Talmudic Studies, Yeshivas Sha’arei Torah, Monsey, NY
Religious Studies and Education

PhD, Art History, University of Washington
Master of Arts in Art History, University of Massachusetts – Amherst, Department of Art History
Art & History

MBA, Public Accounting, St. John’s University
B.A., Economics, Queens College of the City of New York

PhD (ABD), Touro University International
MBA, Touro University International
Advanced Talmudic Studies, Ohr Reuven
Graduate Jewish Studies, Hebrew College
Religious Studies & Business

MA, Jewish Studies, Graduate School of Jewish Studies, Touro College
BS, Liberal Arts with a Focus Area in Jewish Studies, Excelsior College
Ordination, Yeshivas Ohr Reuven
Talmud Studies, Beth Medrash Govoaha
Talmud Studies, Mir Yerushalayim
Religious Studies

Ordination, Yeshivas Ohr Reuven
M.A., Jewish History and Education, Lander College
B.A., Psychology, Lander College
Religious Studies

Masters in Talmudic Law, Ner Israel Rabbinical College
Ordination, Ner Israel Rabbinical College
Ordination, Yeshivas Ohr Reuven
B.A., dual concentration in Accounting and Talmudic Law,
Teachers Certification, Torah U’Mesorah
Religious Studies

M.A. English Education, Pembroke State University

Master of Arts, Medieval Jewish History, Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies, Yeshiva University
Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences with a concentration in Education, Adelphi University

M.A. in Secondary Education, Grand Canyon University
B.A. concentration in History and Education, Empire State College
Certificate, Bais Yaakov Intensive Teachers Seminary
Education & History

Ph.D., History of Art and Architecture, University of California at Santa Barbara
M.A., Asian Studies, The Florida State University
Art History

Masters in Special Education, concentration in Early Childhood Development (NY and NJ State License)
BS, Liberal Arts with a Focus Area in Religious Studies, Excelsior College
Jewish Studies and Teachers Certificate, BYA Seminary, Jerusalem

Masters in Education, University of North Dakota
BS, Liberal Arts with a Focus Area in Jewish Studies, Excelsior College
Jewish Studies and Teachers Certificate, Beth Jacob Teachers Seminary, Jerusalem
Religious Studies and Education

PhD in Theoretical Linguistics, The Graduate Center, CUNY, Graduate Center Doctoral Fellow
MA, Applied Linguistics, Columbia University, Teachers College

PhD in Applied Linguistics, University of Wisconsin
B.A. in Hebrew Language and Literature, Hebrew University
Teaching Certificate, Hebrew University

PhD, Department of Talmud, Bar Ilan University
L.L.B., Ono Academic College
Ordination, Beit Hashem Kollel
Religious Studies

PhD, Near East Studies, University of Michigan
M.A. and B.A., Poetic and Comparative Literature, Tel-Aviv University

Executive Doctorate in Jewish Education and Leadership, Azrielli Graduate School (in progress)
Master’s of Science in Education, City University, New York
B.S., Towson State University
Education & Jewish Thought

Post Masters Certificate in Teaching Blind and Visually Impaired
M.A. in Reading and Special Education
B.A. in Psychology, Thomas Edison State College
Academic Language Therapy Certification
Orientation and Mobility Certification

Master of Library and Information Studies, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
M.A., History, East Carolina University,
B.A. in History, Minor in English, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
History and Information Literacy

Ph.D., University of Texas-Austin, Austin, Texas  
Curriculum and Instruction: Educational Foundations and Policy Studies 
MSE, Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois 
Guidance and Counseling 
BA, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, Illinois 

Masters in Education, Long Island University
B.S., Focus in Business and Religion, Charter Oak State College

Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
M.Ed., Elementary Education, Wayland Baptist University, Lubbock, TX.
Concentrations: Elementary Education, Early Childhood Education
B.A., Psychology, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. Major: Psychology
Minors: Human Development, Family Studies

MA, Jewish Studies (in progress), Graduate School of Jewish Studies, Touro College
Ordination, Yeshivas Ohr Reuven
Master of Religious Education, Talmudic University
Bachelor of Talmudic Law, Talmudic University
Religious Studies

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Advisory Council

Professor Hershey Friedman PhD
Rabbi Eliezer Vilinsky
Miryam Vilinsky
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hirsch Weinreb
Rabbi Dr. Pesach Lerner
Dr. Gildan Oran
Dr. Maryanne LeGrow
Dr. Tina Goodyear

Are you ready? Speak to a student advisor about enrolling.