Genesis University began enrolling students in 2001 as AHS – Genesis (AHS Institute). The target student population was and is adult learners of the orthodox Jewish faith seeking to pursue liberal education, faith-based, and professional studies. Originally, only individual courses were offered.
Founded to help students earn a college degree–conveniently and affordably through distance education–while taking into account their personal or religious sensitivities. To facilitate this, Genesis established partnerships with several regionally accredited institutions: Excelsior College, SUNY Empire State College, and Charter Oak State College. These partnerships allowed students to transfer Genesis courses, using the credits toward degree programs offered at each partner college. Students were required to meet minimal residency requirements from the partner institution, in some cases this is a single course, to earn a degree.
In 2016, Genesis University began offering four degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies (Judaic Studies), Associate of Arts (with a Concentration in Religious Studies), Bachelor of Arts in Education and Religion (with a focus in Early Childhood) and an Associate in Arts (with a Concentration in Education and Religion) and three certificate programs: Certificate in Judaic Studies, Certificate in Talmudic Law and Literature, and Certificate in Early Childhood Education.
The primary target student population for the religious studies programs are graduates of Jewish Orthodox day schools. The age of the average student can range from recent high school graduates to older students who wish to enhance their knowledge of Judaic studies. Just as the age of the students may vary, the income, etc. of the students varies as well. The program was designed to allow students to use the degrees for personal enhancement or professional growth.
For the Associate of Arts and Bachelor of Arts in Education and Religion, the primary target student population are graduates of Jewish Orthodox day schools. The age of the average student can range from recent high school graduates to older students who wish to enhance their knowledge and earn a credential. In some cases, due to regulatory changes, teachers currently in the field, even in private schools, must meet specific education requirements regardless of whether they previously held the same position, as some regulations do not grandfather the teacher. Just as the age of the students may vary, the income of the students may vary as well. The programs were designed in a manner that will allow students to use the degree for personal enhancement as well as professional growth.